Wondering what makes the Viper-XS different than the Viper-X?
Viper-X released in March 2024 and it quickly became a favorite of Devon Harbaugh who picked it up and went on a tear winning 2 more ACL Open Singles titles and nearly took down a third in a row! He opened the Pro Season with a victory in Rock Hill, SC tossing Viper-X. To date, Harbaugh has picked up 4 Open Singles crowns and in 3 of them he threw Viper-X! What makes Viper-X different from other Vipers? The Viper-X employs a herringbone carpet on the slow side. Herringbone is a favorite of shot makers like Harbaugh. The control they get with the slower material is used to block and setup scoring opportunities. It’s also fast enough to be able to reliably run bags. Below you’ll find out what makes the X and XS unique.
Viper-X is a combination of our Viper fast-side material with the aforementioned herringbone carpet on the slow-side. This combine results in a bag that sets up to be an 8/4 speed (Fast Side/Slow Side). That slightly slower herringbone side is what makes this bag special. It’s great for blocking and cutting. The bite is strong and skilled players can manipulate it like nothing else in the Ultra lineup. The Viper-X is a the standard Ultra template. Even at 5.85″ X5.85″ and under that 6” size, The X feels and plays large. This makes it easy to catch the edge of the hole and whip around for points as well as collect bags around the hole with pushes and airmails.
Some notes: Herringbone carpet is susceptible to heat. Ultra recommends nothing hotter than 130 degree tap water when breaking in the Viper-X. Ultra’s 1hr Break-In Kit has conditioner and soap that have been tested and will get your bags ready without causing damage or voiding the warranty. The bag also should not be spun on the finger and care needs to be taken with the herringbone side. If the weave is disturbed or snagged, it tends to unravel. Viper-X has Seam-Lok and other innovations to help keep this from happening but care should still be given.
Viper-XS is our new small Viper-X. This new template is smaller than the X but not as small as the Viper-RS. This allows the bag to retain the drip and collectability of the Viper-X. At the same time, the compact size is easier to roll and cut. The reactive Tribrid fill amplifies this. Tribrid fill has a unique pellet that changes how the bag plays, resulting in a more active bag on the board. The size and fil combine to create a bag that while the same speed as the Viper-X, plays very differently.
With the Viper-XS players have some wiggle room when breaking in the bags. The Viper-XS weighs a little more and the template is big enough that there shouldn’t be any need to worry if you use an accelerated break-in method such as Ultra’s 1hr Break-In Kit. Viper-XS like all Viper models is pretty durable, but the fast side is prone to snags. Snags can happen on the smallest of things. Often it isn’t the board causing a snag but something behind the board or under it. Something as simple as a staple, or slightly raised screw head, can catch the fabric. We recommend checking around where your bag might end up such as in front of the board and 3-4ft around the sides and back.
Comparing Viper-R to the Viper-X and Viper-XS is about comparing hybrid-carpet to herringbone. Hybrid carpet has natural characteristics that flatten out and reduce kicking. This makes Viper-R, RS and RV great for players who don’t have the flattest bag. Herringbone carpet is the tour bade iron to the hybrid-carpet’s more forgiving cavity back iron, to use a gold analogy. If you are looking to shape shots, the herring bone will react to smaller tilts than the Viper-R does. When we see players in person and “fit” them with bags, we often suggest Viper-R for beginners to Pro players because it’s the most forgiving model we make. The Viper-X and Viper-XS is a more advanced bag. It requires more control of a player’s bag flight. players throwing flat bags will be able to get the most out of Viper-X and Viper-XS. Nothing cuts and moves like herringbone and if you can tame it, you will find yourself manufacturing points rather than racing out games.
Side by Side
Comparing Viper-X and XS side by side, you can see how the 2 sizes compare, as well as the differences in fill. Both models are going to have the same speeds at rest. You might see some variation in how they play due to the template differences and how full the bags are. The 8/4 (Fast Side/Slow Side) speed rating is averaged. You’ll notice on these charts there is a range. The range accounts for differences in temperature and humidity/moisture. Bags tend to perform differently on hot/dry surfaces and cold/damp surfaces. Our speed ratings will reflect that. Speed rating for all bags are now shown on the listing pages for each model. We’ve added the Viper-R here to make comparing to that bag and hybrid carpet, easier.

Each Viper-X model has it’s place in the game and one is sure to align with what you want to do on the boards. If Viper-X isn’t your bag, Viper-R and it’s variants might be a better fit. We hope this helps those trying to understand the differences between these bags and check back here for similar comparisons coming soon.