Team Ultra

Team Ultra 2024-25

Coming off a blistering 2024 Pro Season where Ultra players were on top of all the rankings, the Team for 2025 is even MORE loaded. From 2024 MVP and ACL Rookie of the year, Jeremiah Ellis and the #1 ranked ACL Open player and 3 time Open Singles Champion Devon Harbaugh to ACL Rookie Pro Clayton Kennedy and ACL Junior Pro Anthony Eastridge (The reigning Advanced Doubles World Champions) Ultra has top talent throughout the team.

Team Ultra players will help you with finding the right bags for your game and they are more than willing to help a player with some tips, tricks, and advice on how to improve your throw, develop better game strategy and more! Make sure to say hello to these players when you see them at an event. They are as excited to see you as you may be to meet them.

Team Ultra 2025 ACL Pros

Meet the Team

Ultra Bags

Throw the bags the top pros in the world throw. Throw Ultra

What bags do our players prefer? 2024 ACL MVP and Rookie of the Year, Jeremiah Ellis threw Viper-R last season. He is excited about the new Viper-RS. The ACL’s #1 Ranked Open player, Devon Harbaugh is a shooter! He loves the added action and control he gets with the herringbone found on Viper-X. Meanwhile Alan Rawls won Open #1 last season throwing the original Viper. No matter what your style is, Ultra makes a bag that will compliment your throw.

Ultra Nation 2023

Meet the Team

Team Ultra Advanced

Our Advanced Team features players who perform at an Elite Level all across the United States. These players throw Ultra and are great ambassadors for our brand throughout the country. Many are actively working towards playing at the professional level and their bag of choice is Ultra.

Want to Join Team Ultra? For the 2025 Season, Our Team Manager and Coordinator will be scouting players for our Advanced Team. In general, we are looking for the top players in their states and regions. We put a strong emphasis on ACL play from our team, since we make ACL stamped bags. Players looking to be a part of Team Ultra should have strong social media followings and be good ambassadors in their local areas. Our Team is constantly looking for players we will reach out to prospective players and to ACL local, regional, and state directors to determine if there are good fits.

Players are selected based on ACL participation and performance.

Selection Criteria:

  • ACL Participation: We prioritize players who play ACL events.
  • ACL Standings: Players on our team are normally ranking in the top of their state, regional, local standings. 
  • Skill Level: Team Players are normally playing in the Open division and have PPRs over 8.5. 
  • Social Media: Each Team Ultra player is expected to have a strong social media following across Facebook, Instagram and other platforms. Cornhole content is preferred. We prefer players to avoid posting and interacting with content that doesn’t support the growth of cornhole for all players. 
  • Giving Back: We look for team players who are actively giving back to their local communities. Directors, Charity Event Organizers, Coaching Clinics, Kid Events and more are things we like to see our players helping with.

Looking for more info on what we are looking for? Check out this article from our NEWS section.

NOTE: Our Advanced Team is full at the moment. We are making some changes for the upcoming season. Look for information about our Advanced Team soon.

Ultra Directors

New for 2025 will be an Ultra Director program. Working together, Ultra Cornhole and ACL Directors can grow the game and the brand throughout the country. Ultra Directors will qualify for discounts on boards, bags and gear as well as be able to become authorized sales reps so they can grow the game and make some money doing it. 

Our Ultra Directors Program will launch SOON.

Support Your Favorite Players

Each Team Ultra player has a unique discount code. These codes are good for any product on the Ultra site. Using codes saves you $$$ while also helping us to see the impact each player has in their local, regional and even national communities. 

Jeremiah Ellis code: ultraproellis Devon Harbaugh code: ultraproharbaugh Chris Roybal code: ultraproroybal
Chris Kingsbury code: ultraprokinsgbury Alan Rawls code: ultraprorawls Ryan Hart code: ultraprohart
Mike Ferreira code: ultraproferreira Clayton Kennedy code: ultraprokennedy Corey Morrison code: ultrapromorrison
Terry Mathis code: ultrapromathis Jayden Ellis code: ultraeliteellis Anthony Eastridge code: ultraeliteeastridge
Eric Tscherne code: ultratscherne Tyler Parent code: ultraeliteparent Brian Brewer code: ultraadvbrewer
Reuben Snyder code: ultraadvsnyder Nick Renevitz code: ultraadvrenevitz Andrew Robinson code: ultrraadvrobinson
Nick Williams code: ultraadvwilliams
Richard Morgan code: ultraadvmorgan Teanitia Lashley code: ultraadvlashley JC Covalesky code: ultraadvcovalesky
AJ Palmer code: ultraadvpalmer Kris Morrison code: ultraadvmorrison Mario Estrada code: ultraadvestrada
Brodyn Rairigh code: ultraadvrairigh Stan Lovett code: ultraadvlovett Zach Brewer code: ultraadvzbrewer
Ken Grosse code: ultraadvgrosse Kyle Larson code: ultraadvlarson Michael Adair code: ultraadvadair
Kevin Reilly code: ultraadvreilly Richard Vasquez code: ultraadvvasquez Tami Schweikart code: ultraadvschweikart
Alex Mata code: ultraadvmata Sean Martin code: ultraadvmartin Joseph Fields code: ultraadvfields
Tim Helms code: ultraadvhelms Ernie Garcia code: ultraadvgarcia  Josh Lunsford code: ultraadvlunsford
Jeff Pacheco code: ultraadvpacheco

Ultra Discount Codes

Our Player Discount Codes are worth 10% off almost everything on the site. This is subject to change, especially for special releases and unique items. Ultra Discount Codes are also not applicable at our Booth. Booth items are already discounted. For questions: Email customer service: